"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood." -Fred Rogers
We embrace this philosophy as ten children gather together
along with their certified teacher and caring aide, to play.
Not only do we play, but we engage in developmentally
appropriate socialization and learning activities.
After 30 minutes of free play, the class joins together for
circle time. It consists of a good morning song, weather bear,
fingerplays, songs, and a story. This starts out short in time
and lengthens, as the children are ready for more. Parents are
amazed at what their toddlers can do! We then have a snack and
prepare for centers. Each class focuses around a theme and the
children do a craft that matches it. The children have an
opportunity to use a variety of materials throughout the year.
The teacher also gives an overview of the day after each class.
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Our three year old program is made up of a certified teacher, qualified aides and a fabulous group of children.
We begin our day with a half hour of cooperative play. During
this time, parents may sign up to work with the children in
small groups or help the children use the computer. Keeping the
attention span of a three year old in mind, our class has two
short circle times, one before and after snack. Next, the
children in small group centers that go with the theme of the
day The centers are chosen to reinforce large and small motor
skills, age appropriate academic skills, and social skills.
Each month we reinforce/learn a specific color, shape,
and learn a nursery rhyme. We also pray daily. At the end of
every class the teacher greets the parents and gives an
overview of the day. This is when the parents can learn the
concepts of the day so they can then reinforce these topics at
home. During this time the children are doing an activity with
the aide: a short story, a song, a short game, along with a
"Jesus Loves You" activity. Our class goes on two field trips a
year. Our fall trip is to Cherry Crest Farm. We then visit
Springton Manor in the spring.
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We have several options available for our 4/5 year old children. Our first is a traditional half day program (9:00-11:30). The second is an all day option (9:00-3:00). Each class includes a certified teacher, qualified aide, and a super group of
children. Our day begins with 30 minutes of free play. This is
time when the children arrive and are able to choose an
activity. Choices include arts and crafts, building activities,
dramatic play, language skills and math skills. Children are
also responsible for cleaning up areas in which they play. The
goal of free play is to increase social skills and
independence, decision making skills, self-control, and
self-esteem as well as various academic skills.
We then proceed to circle time in which large group instruction
helps children learn school social skills such as, taking turns
when sharing ideas, listening to others, following rules in
group games, and participating in group musical activities.
Academic skills are taught through daily alphabet and math
activities such as calendar. The children are given a bathroom
break and then it's on to snack and storytime.
After storytime, we break into small groups and the children
rotate through various fun and educational center activities.
Center activities vary depending on the letter of the week or
the theme being taught and usually include crafts, puzzles,
games or imaginative play. This time is wonderful for learning
speaking and listening skills, academic skills (letter, number,
and shape recognition and writing, counting, patterns,
sequencing, sorting, rhyming words, opposites, direction
following), fine motor skills (holding pencils and scissors
properly, cutting continuously on a line, name writing,
completing puzzles and stringing beads).
Our half day class dismisses at 11:30. Our full day children will continue their day with lunch/recess, rest time and enrichment activities.
At the
end of class children meet with the classroom aide to say
goodbye to each other and participate in a closing circle,
while the teacher greets the parents outside the classroom to
give an overview of the days activities and upcoming events.